Wednesday 17 February 2016

Week 4 Blog Post Eleni Pallotta

While I can see why Luker emphasizes this exercise as a way to organize ideas before beginning secondary literature research, I personally found the activity to be a bit more of a nuisance than useful.  I prefer writing lists when brainstorming ideas and actually had to do that before completing my daisy.  I then made a daisy twice (the picture above being my second attempt) and still couldn’t get my ideas perfectly into a pretty flower.  I appreciate this activity for showing a flow to ideas and how they overlap with one another, however, I personally would not make a daisy diagram again.  Writing words in a circular shape works best for me, and then I don’t have to count to make sure I have enough petals for all my words.  Also, I don’t have to make a whole new diagram if I want to add/remove a word like I would have to with a daisy diagram.  Still, this exercise was a good way for me to brainstorm subject terms I can use when finding articles so, it that sense, it was helpful.

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