Thursday 25 February 2016


I honestly haven’t had any moments where statistics have “struck home” with me. I do remember the last statistic that I found interesting though. I was watching a documentary on Netflix and the narrator mentioned that at one point hunting brought the number of Bengal Tigers in India from 40000 to 1800 (Wildest India on Netflix). National Geographic says that there are now fewer than 2500 Bengal Tigers in the world, which is upsetting. These statistics don’t have much of a lasting impact on me though – I’m not out trying to save the tigers or anything.
I also really like XKCD, a webcomic that sometimes has comics on statistics that are really interesting or cleverly presented. I’ve posted two examples (one joking and one serious)

1 comment:

  1. I'm disappointed that spurned lovers everywhere will soon forget Lorena Bobbitt (by 2027, but I like to think for the future). Great spin on the statistics, Margot. I feel the same way about the tigers. I'm relieved you admitted it first :)
