Tuesday 2 February 2016

Week 3 - Epistemology Quiz

My results of the Epistemology Quiz claimed that I am "Jürgen Habermas!" After reading the description of Habermas, I do agree with most of the research characteristics he possesses. Coming from an anthropological background this statement, "the primary activity of human beings is to interpret the meaning of things in the world around them," rang very much true to me. I see the world full of different cultures and sub-cultures, awaiting to be discovered, but not in a colonial, power stricken way, more from a way of understanding and learning how groups of people make meaning of things. What is important to people, and most importantly how are things important to people. I also agree that I have my own cultural understandings that will affect the way I do research and interpret things, therefore I must take this into account. Nonetheless, I found this quiz to be quite accurate, however I don't know what the other results were yet, so I don't have too much to compare it with.

For my research topic, I have decided I would like to look at how athletes are educated about anti-doping and if it is effective. So, my research design would focus on discovery of athletes' experiences, mapping the systems that are in place, and finding the relationship between athletes and anti-doping systems (what role anti-doping systems play in an athlete's life). 

I often lean more towards a constructivist perspective, for this particular research, wanting to look at athletes' experiences and how they learn about anti-doping, etc. I am not looking for a specific answer of whether or not our anti-doping system is good/bad, I am more interested in how it is communicated to athletes, what the barriers are, and how well do athletes know about it. (I will probably focus on Canadian National Team athletes, their National Sport Organizations (NSOs), the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES), and possibly the Canadian Sport Institute of Ontario (CSIO). 

As you might be able to tell, I have a in-depth knowledge of the Canadian Sport system, however I do not know much about anti-doping, so I am excited to explore the unfamiliar parts of what I know. As well, I would like to focus on the relationships between each of these organizations, and the knowledge transfer that occurs.

On the topic of quizzes, I actually really enjoy taking quizzes. I don't necessarily see it as a way of putting myself into a category, but more of a way to identify qualities that I possess. Perhaps I don't get what I want, then I take it again! I don't restrict myself to any sort of category, I guess that is why I like to learn about how other people live!   

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