Saturday 5 March 2016

Week 8 Eleni Pallotta: A Question To My Fellow Bloggers!

In lieu of responding to a blog post question this week, I’ve decided to try creating a discussion question myself.  It relates to me as I am a Toronto Public Library (TPL) worker and I am interested in hearing other peoples’ opinions on the matter.  Recently, Mayor Tory has been trying to hammer away at TPL’s budgets, staff benefits, staff salaries, operating hours, and basically any aspect of TPL that requires money from the government.  My question to you fellow bloggers is:

Do you think TPL advertises its programs/services to the public enough OR do you think TPL could do more, for example television ads, to promote awareness and understanding of the importance of TPL and the programs/services they provide to their communities?

I ask this because in order to stop budget cuts to public libraries, communities need to support their public libraries.  Therefore, the public need to be aware of programs/services and understand how important the library’s role is to communities.  Only then will TPL get the support it needs from the public to stop the Fords and Torys of the city from further hindering TPL’s ability to provide for its users.  (If you don’t work for TPL – because I know several fellow bloggers who do – please comment too as it would be interesting to see how opinions might differ based on whether you do or don’t work for the system!).

TD Summer Reading Club Program at TPL
(Retrieved from:


  1. I should start by saying that I also work for the TPL, so my opinion is likely biased. Six years into working at a neighbourhood branch, I feel as though the issue isn't that TPL doesn't advertise its worth/offerings enough. I think those that use the library fully understand what it has to offer, and the importance of its role. It's often those that don't regularly use the library that underestimate the value, and need convincing that their tax dollars are being put to good use. Would advertisements help this? Probably not. I think this is where the importance of getting people into the library comes into play. We need to give them a service they want, let them explore a library environment, and let those experiences speak to the value of the TPL.

  2. I personally don't know much about the TPL's programs, but then I don't live in Toronto. I do take the subway though, and I've noticed that they are sponsors for the wifi, which is nice. When I did live in Toronto for my undergrad I didn't see much about the library system. I've visited the Lillian H. Smith library on College, but I don't remember seeing anything about programs.

    So summing up, based on my experience I would say they need to advertise more, but I don't think I've spent enough time in Toronto for it to be an informed opinion.

  3. I live right beside a TPL and now go there frequently to rent out books. I have studied there too, however it gets quite crowded, so I would say the Library near me is quite popular. However, it wasn't until recently that I saw what my library had to offer until I was looking at their TV monitor the other day. They had classes for Aurduino beginners, and a lot of other fun activities. Event though I live close to the library, I actually never thought of the programs they had to offer, so I agree with Margot that there should be a lot more advertising. I am not sure how TPLs can reach the public, but for sure if I live right beside a TPL and do not know what they have to offer, I cannot imagine those that don't. I think they should also promote their online resources too, as they are becoming popular. TV ads sound good, but maybe even ads on sliders like Facebook or Google?

  4. I live right beside a TPL and now go there frequently to rent out books. I have studied there too, however it gets quite crowded, so I would say the Library near me is quite popular. However, it wasn't until recently that I saw what my library had to offer until I was looking at their TV monitor the other day. They had classes for Aurduino beginners, and a lot of other fun activities. Event though I live close to the library, I actually never thought of the programs they had to offer, so I agree with Margot that there should be a lot more advertising. I am not sure how TPLs can reach the public, but for sure if I live right beside a TPL and do not know what they have to offer, I cannot imagine those that don't. I think they should also promote their online resources too, as they are becoming popular. TV ads sound good, but maybe even ads on sliders like Facebook or Google?

  5. I would definitely like to see more (or any?) advertising for TPL

  6. I think there are way more services and features available at TPL than many people know about. I often notice peoples' reactions to learning about these services like "oh! I didn't know TPL offered this!". It'd definitely be beneficial to the library and the community if people became more aware of what TPL offers.
