Friday 29 January 2016

Week 2 (Lindsay)

Hi everybody, I’m not sure if I am able to articulate this very well yet—there are a lot of ideas swirling around in my head—but here is the gist of what I would like to study:

I am interested in exploring the way that adolescent girls are using the Internet for research in order to publish their own content and/or to contribute to online communities, and social media platforms. More specifically, I would like to explore the idea that there is a connection between the practices of diary-keeping, scrapbooking, and zine-making to these girls’ activity on sites such as Tumblr, Facebook, Rookie, or even Wikipedia.

I would also like to look into the ways that young girls are utilizing the library for these practices, whether it be through in-person visits, online resources, workshops, or even just scanning and photocopying of materials.

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