Friday 22 January 2016

Week 2 Blog Post

My sister and I are very different people. We are 5 years apart, 5 inches apart, and are set apart by at least 5 more differences. However, we share one fiery passion: baking. Baking, for us, is more than a mere pastime. Together, we have spent way more than either of us are willing to admit on every gadget, accessory, and other random William Sonoma accoutrement one could possibly imagine. 

That said, she is a much better baker than I. As the older, taller sister, this burns my butt. This healthy competition has led us to our other passion: cookbooks. We have a shared secret Pinterest board (so people don’t think we’re weirder than we already are … secret’s out) with over 1,000 cookbooks we would sell a kidney to get our greedy mitts on.*

With this background knowledge you know share, if I could research anything, I would ask if international cookbooks (these, by far, have the best pictures, most imaginative ingredients, and are just so much more coveted by aficionados / snobs alike). 

Research question:

With all the variants at play in international cookbooks, (altitude, regional ingredients, differing measurements) are they truly worth the investment to a Toronto-based baker? 

*After meeting Professor Jenna Hartel, I felt less secretive (even proud to share a passion with such a wonderful soul) about our obsession. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a really interesting question! I would like to think the answer is yes, mostly because we're fortunate to live in an incredibly multicultural city like Toronto! I'm sure that you would be able to get your hands on rare ingredients, or at least have a better chance here than in a small town. As an example - I've heard of certain Japanese restaurants where they fly their ingredients in weekly from Japan! On a less extreme note, there are so many niche, cultural, hotspots and markets around Toronto! Not to mention the doors opened by online ordering/delivery. I for one would love to see you get your hands on one of these international books and try your hand at the recipes!
